Saturday, August 11, 2012

Training Dogs Basic Commands

People of all ages love the companionship of a pet, and dogs are by far one of the most popular choices. Like any young animal, puppies can be destructive and mischievous without intending to misbehave. Read on for training tips that apply to all dogs.

Do not let other sources of stress affect your training sessions with your dog. Keep your interactions with your dog positive, especially if the dog has done nothing wrong.

Anxiety in dogs often leads to destructive behavior like chewing or clawing. Keeping your pup in a crate or other doggy-proofed space and providing appropriate chew toys will keep him occupied until you arrive home.

When housebreaking a dog, it is advisable to use the crating technique. In order to maximize the effectiveness of your crate training, you must make sure to allow your dog out consistently. With crate training, your dog can be housebroken in no time.

If you want to train a well-behaved dog, you should make sure that every person who helps take care of your dog treats it in the same manner that you do. The most favorable results stem from keeping all of your dog's training consistent. If a dog is treated differently by his trainers, he will become confused and unsure of the correct behaviors.

The first step in training a puppy is to make sure he knows his name. Use his name frequently, and train him to come to you when called. These are the initial words your puppy must learn. It's important that the time spent with your puppy is quality time. Spend your time playing with your puppy. This way he will get to know you quicker and will begin to trust you faster. The puppy will be more open to more training down the line.

A wise tip in canine training is to always call the dog by his rightful name, rather than using any nickname or other deviation. You dog needs to know his name well for you to have control over his behavior. Call your dog's name as much as ten times a day, until you get a reaction right away. If you need to punish your dog, go to your dog. Don't call him or her to you and then punish.

Dog training should be a fun and rewarding experience. Keep training to a short 10-15 minute session; much longer and your dog's attention will wander. When you give your dog rewards, make sure they are varied and as often as needed. The more you reward your dog the more he will continue the positive behavior. If you make training fun, he will enjoy listening, too.

Before you train your puppy, teach him his name and bond with him. Use his name frequently, and make clear that you want him to respond by coming to you when you call his name. This should be the first thing you teach your puppy. Spend ample time with the puppy to create a bond. This will build trust between the puppy and you. In this way, he will be more receptive to advanced training later.

Treats are great rewards, but you need to find other positive reinforcements for training. Dogs are eager to please and respond well to positive reinforcement tactics. Still, you probably don't have treats everywhere you go when you aren't "officially" training your dog. Start using praise and extra attention, hugging and patting, when your dog displays a positive behavior.

Try to challenge your pet on a regular basis. Quiz him to see if he remembers the commands, even if you're already sure he does.

Use your dog's name whenever you are offering it a treat. To have some good control over your dog, a solid response is crucial. Call your dog by name 10 times each day until he readily responds to your voice with no further encouragement. Don't punish your dog if it comes when you call.

Try training a dog to clench a plush toy in his mouth. Every time he successfully holds onto the toy with his mouth, hit the clicker and proceed by giving him a treat. After this is done a few times, watch and wait for your dog to put the toy inside his mouth. After has has done this, you should click and promptly give a reward. After this, you should only reward your dog after he holds the toy in his mouth.

It is hoped that you have found some guidance from these suggestions. Properly training your pooch can result in a happier, reduced stress life for the both of you.

1 comment:

  1. In training a dog, there are equipment that you will need or present just like the dog collars. Moreover, whenever you teach him (regardless if it is a basic one), always bring a reward whenever he follows the command.

