Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dog Training Tips and Techniques

Dog training may appear overwhelming to someone inexperienced with it. There are many different ideas and theories out there, and the sheer amount of information can be overwhelming. Below, you will find some suggestions on getting started with dog training.

Your whole family should be involved with training the dog. Although one person may do most of the actual training, other family members who deal with the dog must be involved as well so that the training is consistent.

If you are training more than one dog, remember that some breeds of dogs can be trained together, but some breeds cannot. If your dogs are having difficulty focusing on their training when together, train them each separately. After they have received a bit of training they can be taught together.

Your dog must respect you in order for training to work. Your dog must see you as a leader, or they will not follow your commands. Demonstrate your position of authority to your dog by leading the way whenever the two of you are walking.

If your dog suddenly starts exhibiting behavioral problems, take him to a veterinarian in order to rule out any serious health conditions. Animals that are in pain or that have certain health conditions may lash out or behave inappropriately. Since they cannot tell us what is wrong, this is their way of letting us know that they need extra attention.

Your dog needs to stay active during all phases of his life. Dogs are designed to keep busy and active. Just like you, they need to work and run around to be happy and healthy. Train your dog for agility, jog with it or take it to the park. Stay active and keep your dog moving so they do not feel bored.

It's important your dog always has an understanding of right from wrong. This demands that everyone at your home applies strict boundaries. This will quickly undo all of your hard work and training.

Dog training should be a fun and rewarding experience. Keep training to a short 10-15 minute session; much longer and your dog's attention will wander. When you give your dog rewards, make sure they are varied and as often as needed. The more you reward your dog the more he will continue the positive behavior. If you make training fun, he will enjoy listening, too.

Give your dog a regular elimination and feeding schedule, so you can house train them. This can help you avoid accidents on the carpet by becoming aware of when the dog needs to go. Then he will become practiced at waiting until the right time.

If your dog has specific triggers for bad behavior, keep him busy as you pass temptation. Alternatively stated, when your pet dislikes the company of other animals, try to distract him or her whenever you encounter them out in the neighborhood. This will allow him to make the relation between the positive stimuli and positive things happening.

When it comes to training a puppy, it is not a good idea to provide too much information and training at one time. A puppy's attention span is short and it has a limited amount of energy, so sessions should remain short and positive. If you try to do too much too fast, he will associated it as a negative experience and will resist in the future.

Consistency is the key to dog training. Make sure everyone knows the right commands to give the dog; keep a list if necessary. In addition, make sure that the behaviors of the dog are treated consistently. Good behaviors get rewarded; bad behaviors do not. Your dog will understand what is required if everyone involved uses the same approach.

Try training a dog to clench a plush toy in his mouth. Every time he successfully holds onto the toy with his mouth, hit the clicker and proceed by giving him a treat. After this is done a few times, watch and wait for your dog to put the toy inside his mouth. After has has done this, you should click and promptly give a reward. After this, you should only reward your dog after he holds the toy in his mouth.

Untrained dogs can drive you crazy and ruin your home. If you apply these tips, you should be well prepared to train your dog efficiently.

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