Friday, August 3, 2012

How To Indroduce Your New Puppy Into A House With Other Animals.

Dogs are naturally curious, which at times can lead to big time disasters! Luckily, it just takes some elementary dog training to help your dog understand what sort of behavior is expected.

You need to communicate with your dog. Obviously, your dog needs to know what you are asking of him. Use the same tone of voice, body language, correction methods, and rewards each time you train your dog. Remember to always pay attention to the communication signals from your dog. He will tell you if things are going smoothly or if he is feeling stressed or tired.

Here are a few ways to make crate training more positive for your dog. If your dog does not want to go into the crate but one of his favorite toys inside and close the door. They will see the toy inside the crate and will want in the crate to get it. After they enter the crate, be sure to give them love and attention to let them know they did something to please you.

Avoid using punishment as part of your training routine. Taking preventative measures to avoid the occurrence of a bad behavior to begin with is always best, however, if your dog does get out of line, demonstrate how it should have been done rather than scolding him. Training your dog is a great way to develop a positive relationship with him.

There are many ways to make crate training more comfortable and successful for your new puppy or dog. If your puppy seems reluctant about entering the crate, place a chew toy inside and close the door to the kennel. Once they know the treat is in the crate, you will have to hold them back to stop them from getting the bone because they'll be so eager. Open the door, and praise them when they go inside.

Communication is key when training your dog. As you train and interact with your dog, you must be consistent and straightforward. This includes verbal and body language as well as rewards and corrections. Also pay attention to the communication your dog is giving back to you as that will affect your training routine. By watching and understanding the way your dog communicates, you can discover if your dog is getting fatigued, restless, or is happy.

A dog has an inquiring mind and will look at one thing for quite a while until its attention is broken. With enough training, your dog should be able to pay more attention to your orders.

If there are certain things that set your dog off causing bad behavior, then keep his mind focused on other things as you pass by what provokes this bad behavior. Try distracting your dogs from other dogs while on your walks. This can help reinforce good behavior.

Everyone should treat your dog in the same way so as not to confuse him. Dogs will learn quicker from training that has all people treating them the same way. If someone is training the dog one way and someone else tries something different, the dog will become confused on how to behave properly.

You will find dogs are simply dogs. Allow for activities that let him be himself and have fun. Make sure your dog is properly fed, given a comfortable corner or bed to sleep and has a good place to run and be active.

Sometimes you may have to call upon a professional if you are not getting anywhere with your dog. When your dog training is going poorly, a professional can help out. A professional can help teach you the right training methods, that will work for your dog.

While some dogs train well together, it depends entirely on each pup's personality; training two dogs simultaneously may prove impossible. If your dogs do not focus on you properly when you train them together, you may want to separate them and give them some individual attention before trying to work with them jointly.

Try training a dog to clench a plush toy in his mouth. Every time he successfully holds onto the toy with his mouth, hit the clicker and proceed by giving him a treat. After this is done a few times, watch and wait for your dog to put the toy inside his mouth. After has has done this, you should click and promptly give a reward. After this, you should only reward your dog after he holds the toy in his mouth.

The majority of pet owners are pleasantly surprised to find out that training their dog to learn basic commands is a process that takes only a short amount of time each day and fits smoothly into their lifestyle. Moreover, they are often astonished at how quickly their dog begins to respond to the commands. If your dog is getting on your nerves, it's time to put the above tips to use.

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