Thursday, August 9, 2012

Puppy and Dog Obedience Training Tips From The Professionals!

Part of training your dog is learning to train yourself as well. A person must know how to communicate what they are trying to teach their dog before the dog will be able to learn. Learning how to tame a dog is something that is not innate. This article can will help to accomplish that.

Keep count of the number of treats you feed your dog because you do not want him or her to get fat. It's easy to overlook the treats, but the do add up, especially when you're doing a lot of training.

Anxiety in dogs often leads to destructive behavior like chewing or clawing. Keeping your pup in a crate or other doggy-proofed space and providing appropriate chew toys will keep him occupied until you arrive home.

A dog with separation anxiety should have ties to other people. The dog must develop relationships with others in order to diffuse its unhealthy fixation with you.

When house training your dog, be sure your dog has a predictable feeding and elimination routine. Before the dog goes to the bathroom on your carpet, you will know when it has to go outside. Using this schedule can teach your dog how to hold their piddle until the upcoming potty break.

Be careful if you are going to introduce your dog to other animals. If you want a second pet, look for one that will be compatible with your current pet. Your new pet needs to have a temperament that matches those of your existing pets.

A wise tip in canine training is to always call the dog by his rightful name, rather than using any nickname or other deviation. You dog needs to know his name well for you to have control over his behavior. Call your dog's name as much as ten times a day, until you get a reaction right away. If you need to punish your dog, go to your dog. Don't call him or her to you and then punish.

Dog training should be a fun and rewarding experience. Keep training to a short 10-15 minute session; much longer and your dog's attention will wander. When you give your dog rewards, make sure they are varied and as often as needed. The more you reward your dog the more he will continue the positive behavior. If you make training fun, he will enjoy listening, too.

Everyone should treat your dog in the same way so as not to confuse him. Dogs will learn quicker from training that has all people treating them the same way. If someone is training the dog one way and someone else tries something different, the dog will become confused on how to behave properly.

You will find dogs are simply dogs. Allow for activities that let him be himself and have fun. Make sure your dog is properly fed, given a comfortable corner or bed to sleep and has a good place to run and be active.

The key to effective training is to ensure that your dog's activity level remains consistently high. Dogs are not made to sit around. They must run and play in order to enjoy a healthy, happy life. There are many options for activity, such as going running, playing with toys outside or even agility classes. Dogs get bored easily and it's your job to keep that from happening, so always provide activities to keep it moving.

Consistency is the key to dog training. Make sure everyone knows the right commands to give the dog; keep a list if necessary. In addition, make sure that the behaviors of the dog are treated consistently. Good behaviors get rewarded; bad behaviors do not. Your dog will understand what is required if everyone involved uses the same approach.

Try training a dog to clench a plush toy in his mouth. Every time he successfully holds onto the toy with his mouth, hit the clicker and proceed by giving him a treat. After this is done a few times, watch and wait for your dog to put the toy inside his mouth. After has has done this, you should click and promptly give a reward. After this, you should only reward your dog after he holds the toy in his mouth.

Dog training centers around the establishment of rules. Once the rules have been set, your dog, and you, will find the relationship even more worthwhile! Continue to reinforce all learned behaviors. Maintain discipline and watch for any attitude changes. Once your dog is trained properly, your dog can do so much more.

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