Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How To Indroduce Your New Puppy Into A House With Other Animals.

All dogs need training, both to teach them useful behaviors and to discourage them from unwanted ones. These tips should help you train your dog.

Six months is the recommended age at which a dog should be spayed or neutered. You should have him or her spayed or neutered along with taking him or her to obedience classes. Not only does spaying or neutering make a dog a better overall pet, it makes him or her a more attentive pupil for training. You and your dog will have many more happy years together and your pet will also be healthier.

You cannot rush through the training process. Puppies have short attention spans, therefore keep your sessions short and provide ample amounts of praise. If you overdo it, he is likely to forget everything he learned and simply remember the experience in an unfavorable light, making it that much harder for you the next time you attempt the training.

When someone enters your house, do not be afraid to tell them the best way to interact with your dog. These things can cause a dog to attempt to establish dominance and maybe even jump on guests.

Keep your emotions from other areas, such as a fight with a friend or family member or being upset with another pet, at bay. You want to avoid using a cold tone that your dog can sense. Dogs react to the tone of a human voice, so be careful not the be harsh to them without provocation.

The daily training sessions with your dog should be fun. Playful interaction strengthens the bond between you, and will have your dog striving even harder to please you during training. Training is fun for your dog, but it doesn't always have to be about learning something new. Play for the sake of playing.

If you want your dog to follow the rules, keep training it, it needs to be refreshed! Dog training must be practiced to maintain obedience behavior, and that is one thing that many owners neglect to remember. Dogs, though, are like people in the way they fall into habits. That is why it is vital to ensure your dog maintains a strict rule system.

Make sure your dog associates one word with one discrete behavior. This makes dogs easier to train because there is no ambiguity in which command goes with which behavior. It is essential not to confuse your dog with commands that are not the same every single time. If you can do this, you will find much more success when training your pet.

Give your dog a regular elimination and feeding schedule, so you can house train them. This can help you avoid accidents on the carpet by becoming aware of when the dog needs to go. Then he will become practiced at waiting until the right time.

You should use positive motivation when you are training your dog. Give your dog frequent rewards for his obedience. Using negative reactions and punishment don't work and they will cause your dog to fear you.

Giving your dog the favorite treat can assist you in training your dog. Knowing the right food to give as a reward will get your dog to work harder at his training. Make note of your dog's reaction when the reward is offered.

Consistency is one of the keys to successful dog training. Make a list of the commands that you are teaching your dog, and be sure that everyone in your household knows them. Make sure the whole household is being consistent with training cues. Having different people respond differently can confuse the dog and make training more difficult.

Try training a dog to clench a plush toy in his mouth. Every time he successfully holds onto the toy with his mouth, hit the clicker and proceed by giving him a treat. After this is done a few times, watch and wait for your dog to put the toy inside his mouth. After has has done this, you should click and promptly give a reward. After this, you should only reward your dog after he holds the toy in his mouth.

After learning some helpful hints on how to get through to your dog and train it to behave to your expectations you simply need to follow what you have learned. After changing your dogs behavior to fit with the tips suggested you can properly train your dog.

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