Sunday, July 29, 2012

Dog Training Tips That Are Sure To Work

Dog training may appear overwhelming to someone inexperienced with it. There are many different ideas and theories out there, and the sheer amount of information can be overwhelming. Below, you will find some suggestions on getting started with dog training.

Break complex behaviors or tricks down into simple steps. For example, you might want to train your dog to retrieve the newspaper every morning. You first need to teach him exactly what a newspaper is and then how to hold it. Next, he must learn to follow a command to approach the object by name. He then should know how to pick the object up. The last step is to train him to bring the object to you. As you break the behavior down into simple steps, your dog will soon grow to master the entire task you want him to complete.

Anxiety in dogs often leads to destructive behavior like chewing or clawing. Keeping your pup in a crate or other doggy-proofed space and providing appropriate chew toys will keep him occupied until you arrive home.

You need to communicate with your dog. Be consistent and clear when training your dog. That includes rewards and punishments as well as verbal and body signals. Pay attention to what your doing is saying to you, too. Pay attention to these signals because he's trying to tell you that everything is either going well or not so well.

Keep your emotions from other areas, such as a fight with a friend or family member or being upset with another pet, at bay. You want to avoid using a cold tone that your dog can sense. Dogs react to the tone of a human voice, so be careful not the be harsh to them without provocation.

When house training a puppy, avoid using housebreaking pads. These pads leak and the urine and feces enzymes designate "potty areas". One problem with wee-wee pads is that because they are use to their shape, anything with a similar shape with be their bathroom target. It is better to teach your dog that outdoors at all times is the best choice.

Taking an obedience class will help you train your puppy properly. Instructors can help you teach your dog tricks, to listen to your commands, and to behave appropriately.

Be sure to stay consistent with the commands you choose to train your dog with. Dogs respond much better to this because dogs will associate a specific word or action with that particular type of behavior. You have to be consistent to stimulate your dog's memory. You will be more successful with training your dog.

It's a good idea to keep in mind the number of treats you are giving your dog throughout the day. Giving him too many will add unneeded calories to his diet and cause him to become overweight. Many people overlook treats when considering the animal's diet, but they certainly add up, especially during active training.

You should use positive motivation when you are training your dog. Give your dog frequent rewards for his obedience. Using negative reactions and punishment don't work and they will cause your dog to fear you.

Try to challenge your pet on a regular basis. Quiz him to see if he remembers the commands, even if you're already sure he does.

Use your dog's name whenever you are offering it a treat. To have some good control over your dog, a solid response is crucial. Call your dog by name 10 times each day until he readily responds to your voice with no further encouragement. Don't punish your dog if it comes when you call.

Try training a dog to clench a plush toy in his mouth. Every time he successfully holds onto the toy with his mouth, hit the clicker and proceed by giving him a treat. After this is done a few times, watch and wait for your dog to put the toy inside his mouth. After has has done this, you should click and promptly give a reward. After this, you should only reward your dog after he holds the toy in his mouth.

This article should have given you some valuable information for training your dog. You will be more efficient if you establish a plan ahead of time.

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