Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Trained Dog Equals A Happy Owner

All dogs need training, both to teach them useful behaviors and to discourage them from unwanted ones. These tips should help you train your dog.

Don't play tug of war with your puppy. In addition to tug-of-war, games that involve wresting something away from your puppy or chasing each other in any respect, can entice the animal to bite or nip at your hands. These bad behaviors will be hard to get rid of and are counter intuitive to your training efforts so save them for after the dog has learned clear, well established guidelines on how to act.

Don't allow your dogs to pick and choose what they listen to. If you don't feel like making time or having enough energy to give the dog a command, don't do it.

One of the most basic dog training tips around is to use your dog's name to command its attention. A dog that has positive associations with its name will be more attentive and receptive during training. Call your dog by name at least ten times daily. In order to maximize the effectiveness of this training technique, make sure you never give your dog a negative response when he comes to you after you call him by name.

Try to challenge your pet on a regular basis. Test what he knows by giving commands, even if you are sure that he has the skill mastered.

Be careful if you are going to introduce your dog to other animals. If you want a second pet, look for one that will be compatible with your current pet. Your new pet needs to have a temperament that matches those of your existing pets.

Taking an obedience class will help you train your puppy properly. Instructors can help you teach your dog tricks, to listen to your commands, and to behave appropriately.

Make sure your dog enjoys training sessions. Aim for a 10-15 minute training session, which is optimal for the dog's attention span. Give plenty of rewards. Make sure to shower your dog with praises when he performs well; dogs love it! When training is fun, he will pay attention and listen to what you say.

Use dog treats that are tasty for your dog, and are of high value in order to obtain great results. Even if the treat is not something you would normally give them, it's OK to use as a reward during training.

When training your dog, use discretion and regard for your dog's attention span. Spending too much time just on one aspect of training will bore your dog and waste your efforts. Training sessions should be limited to about 10 minutes of time or less.

Try to challenge your pet on a regular basis. Quiz him to see if he remembers the commands, even if you're already sure he does.

If you use a clicker, you can reinforce obedience better. Using a clicker is simple. Use it to make a good association between the noise and when something good occurs. Try clicking and treating immediately, and doing this several times over a few days. Once your dog understands that the clicker is associated with good things, you can use this technique to train your dog.

Try training a dog to clench a plush toy in his mouth. Every time he successfully holds onto the toy with his mouth, hit the clicker and proceed by giving him a treat. After this is done a few times, watch and wait for your dog to put the toy inside his mouth. After has has done this, you should click and promptly give a reward. After this, you should only reward your dog after he holds the toy in his mouth.

Training a dog is beneficial for everyone. It makes the dog happy, the owner happy and the neighbors happy. The advice in this article should create a new level of training between you and your dog.

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